I have a highly varied background, from neuroscience to politics to carpentry. I live in Boston, USA where I run a Fab Lab at a local community center. My interests include music, cycling, open-source hardware, SCUBA, and building community.
I have two main Fab Labs I interface with. I am studying at Fab Academy via the Dassault Systems 3DS Fab Lab outside Boston. I work at a smaller, newly formed Fab Lab at Lena Park Community Center in the city.
I have a number of ideas for a final project and am in the process of picking one. One idea is a RFID Scanner System which could log users in my fab lab and control access to specific equipment. Another concept is a Signal Jacket for cycling. It could include an accelerometer-driven brake light and user-triggered turn indicators. A third idea is a sound/motion activated Soothing Cradle for infants. It would be a hanging cradle with audio/visual baby monitor, and crying-activated rocking motion.