OpensCAD is a free software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. For my final project - a cocktail maker machine - I want to serve create some inetresting ice cubes. So, I tried functions like cube, cylinder, translate, color and difference to create item like star and lego modules. Then used its polyhedron function to create diamond. This cheat sheet helped a lot.
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SketchUp, formerly Google Sketchup, is a 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications such as architectural, interior design, landscape architecture, civil and mechanical engineering, film and video game design. I downloaded its free version SketchUp Make to create a simple 3D simulation of a house. Through this process, I've learned commands like line, shape, push&pull, move&rotate, component, etc.
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Tinkercad is an easy-to-use, online 3D CAD design tool, which can quickly turn ideas into CAD models for a 3D printer. I tried it out and bulit some simple objects.
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Built by Matt Keeter, Antimony is a computer-aided design (CAD) tool where I could use graphics interface or code to manage my design ouputs. I downloaded its pre-built application onto my mac and tried its functions like cube, pyrimade, difference and rotate. I found this software very easy to use and I am excited about the possilities it brings!
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