Hello and welcome!
This is the story of me becoming a maker; my own Zero to Maker journey. Going from not even knowing what I don’t know, to feeling proud and comfortable in making and the maker community. That’s my goal. For now.
I will share my progress here; all my learnings, failures, and reflections. I appreciate all the help and I can get; feedback, thoughts, input, anything - this journey will be much easier, and definitely more fun, together with others!
My story
So what is this story? What am I doing? I barely know myself. I took a leap of faith into the unknown with the urge to learn something new and challenge myself. I moved to Amsterdam to enroll in a course called How to make (almost) anything at Fab Academy. I want to become a maker, and I barely know what a maker is. Google explains:
So I’m going to become 1) a person (or thing) that makes something. Or 2) God. Sounds great. Who wouldn’t sign up for that?