About Me
Hi, I’m Ilias Bartolini a participant to FabAcademy 2018 in Barcelona.
I have been a software engineer for 10+ years at Ferrari F1 team and ThoughtWorks working as a consultant internationally.
I usually work as technical lead or engineering manager for software product teams and I like to support others as a coach and trainer in this field.
I have a small passion for photography and you might easily find me wandering around with my camera :)
I recently became very passionate about social justice: you can consider me an ‘activist apprentice’.
I took part in various social movements in the last few years like the Occupy movement, supporting refugees, fighting climate change and technology related.
I keep trying to be an ally and to use my skills to make the world a better place.
I’m attending FabAcademy as a way to learn new skills to do this.
I think that personal fabrication is a movement based on stong foundations of openness and sharing knowledge. It can help reducing our dependency from corporations and empower people.
My personal mantra is this quote from Anne Frank:
‘Soit gentil et tiens courage’
I currently share my time between Barcelona, Bologna and Berlin.
My blog and more details are available at https://blog.iliasbartolini.name