Week 16: Licence
Authorizing work for use

Circuit Board Design
I looked at four licences. The decolonial media licence is a bit to noisy for my tastes. From linked site: "We recognize that private ownership over media, ideas, and technology is rooted in European conceptions of property and the history of colonialism from which they formed." I don't disagree with this statement, but I am not interested in making this statement in a licence.
The Free Art Licence shows promise. I hesitate to call my projects art, but don't know what else to call it.
The GNU Free Documentation Licence 1.3 leads off with "The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document
Finally, I looked at the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. I like the elegance and directness of the licencee, but I don't want to licence for commercial use.

Therefore, HardHat Fedora with Light is officially art, given a Free Art Licence

The HardHat Fedora will be put on display at the Champaign Urbana Community Fab Lab until we need that display area for something else, or it gets accused of being an abomination of art and science. In either case, it will then come home to my house where it will sit on the empty spot on the shelf where my old, unceremoniously murdered hat lived. Should people want to recreate this project, I don't really know what to tell them. "Here are my files, Follow my webpage, and don't make the same mistakes I did," I suppose.