Week 1 Projects

Build a Website
(Presumably you are looking at it)


Using Mercurial for Version Control

Download Mercurial here.
The Pikacode was used for this mercurial demo. After creating an account using an email, it prompts you to create a repository, and asks you to specify type. Mercurial is the default choice. Conveniently, when you first navigate to your repository, a helpful "How to begin with your Mercurial Pikacode new repository ?" tutorial pops up.

Following these instructions using Windows Command Prompt, I ran into trouble. Commandommand prompt doesn't have touch (or ls, for that matter), so I had to just drop a file into the folder manually. Also, hg commit -m "first commit" asked me to edit a file to put my username in.

Following the rest of the instructions, I was able to use mercurial to commit my changes.

Final Project Proposal: Floor Drain Terrariums

Background: The Champaign Urbana Community Fab Lab is inside a hundred year old building at the University of Illinois: Urbana Champaign. Formerly used for livestock has drainage troughs built into the floor.

Proposal: Build Terrariums into the far edges of the troughs.

Last updated: 1 February 2015
