Week 7: Embedded Programming

Embedded programming - the programming of an embedded system in some device using the permitted programming interfaces provided by that system.


Embedded programming sounds like something interesting to do.

Firstly, I will need to know how to read a microcontroller data sheet. For our side, we are using ATTiny 44 microcontroller to build the Hello board. I have tried to read the data sheet to find out the pins number and their functions. This is not a easy task...

Below is a screen shot of the ATtiny44A data sheet which does not sound a bell to me. I am trying to learn and understand it.



Secondly, I need to use Aruduino to simulate the board to perform blink operation and other operations if possible. I am a first timer to Aruduino which I know a little about it. I know it is quite similar to C++ programming. I am looking forward to learn how to use it.

After using it, I find it quite hard to understand at the beginning but it becomes easier a bit now.

I will need to do some adjustments to the Aruduino program before I can used the ATtiny44A chip because it is not preinstall in Aruduino. I will need to import it to the Aruduino program before I can used it. I need to make sure that my PC device manager recognise the USBtiny before I can program it.

The screen shot below show that my PC has detect and connect with USBtiny.



After connected to PC, I will need to do some changes to the Aruduino program before I can program the board to work.

I did some selections on the board, processor, clock, port and programmer for ATtiny44A chip.

The screen shots below are what I have done before programming.



Now the ATtiny44A is linked with Aruduino, I am able to program it so that it can work.

My team mate, Rodney taught me how to program it. He told me that some adjustments are needed to do before the board can work.

I must know which pins are used for what purposes before I start to program.

The screen shot below is my program for Hello Blink.


Click here to view file


The screen shot below is my program for Hello Button.


Click here to view file


I have tried both the programs and both of them works. I did some changes to the pin numbers. LED pin is 7 and Button pin is 3. Awesome...!!!

The photo below showing that my board actually lit up.



Next time, I will try to program something else. Thumbs up...!!!