Week 12 - Output Devices

Output devices - user-computer communication devices and devices used for communication between computers, devices and other peripherals, which may be used for input/output (I/O) purposes, like network interface cards (NIC), modems, IR ports, RFID systems and wireless networking devices, as well as mechanical output devices, like solenoids, motors and other electromechanical devices.

Assignment :

1) add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed and program it to do something


This week assignment is actually linked with last week's project which inputs and outputs are interlink together. Basically without either of it, a system will not be able to function.

I will be doing a H-bridge PCB for DC motor because my project need the DC motor to drive it. It will be quite similar to last week assignment only this time I will be making a output device.

With the examples given by Neil, I am able to create the schematic diagram and board layout for the H-bridge.

Below is a screen shot of Neil's examples of the H-Bridge board for motor.



Below is a screen shot of my schematic diagram created by me.


Click here to view sch file

Click here to view brd file


After I drew out the schematic drawing for the H-Bridge Board and use LPKF to cut out the board. The next thing is to solder the components to the board and make sure the components are solder properly. I did some checking on the traces and solder on the board. After confirming the connections, I did a direct solder on the pins to the wire and connecting the battery and motor together with the H-Bridge.

Below is a photo taken of the H-Bridge, wires solder to the pins to connect the battery to the motor.



I try to use Arduino to do a simple program to run the H-Bridge and the outcome came out to be fine. The motor seems to be working well.

Below is a photo taken of the testing of my cicuit and a screen shot of my program for the H-Bridge.


Click here to view program file


I did a last tryout before I will move on to my next assignment. I think it workout quite good. I will see what I can do to make it better.

Below is a photo taken of the setup of my output device assignment.



Click on the picture to take a look of the video (H-Bridge in the middle connecting the motor and the battery).