Computer-controlled cutting

Assignment for week three (February 12, 2014)

Week 3's session was a lecture about different cutting tools. This came as the right time as I FINALLY managed to install fab modules and dependencies on Ubutu 12.04 - running on VM on muy Mac. This week assignment entailed designing, making and documenting a press-fit construction kit. I had a look at previous projects regarding press-fit, in order to get inspiration.

So, I have a 3D printer and feeding it material has been rather a daunting task. It is to this end that I decided to design and fabricate a material spool for it. Since well I did not have the Edge Crush Test (ECT) cardboard at the time of my experimentation, I used a 3mm Eska board which I had in my lab. Eska board is a graphic solid board made of 100% recovered paper - with a lay flat, stay flat properties.


Since well I was more familiar with Open Office Draw (Yeah, I know - I'm old school like that) and made my 2D design. I also played around with Corel Draw and finally, with Inkscape. I viewed Inkscape tutorial videos to get the hang of the software. So, I decided to work on OODraw. 

I had to laser cut several copies, continuously modifying the press fit.


Well, I do not have a fixed FabLab, so I use the laser cutter in the Mobile FabLab - and was fortunate that it was not out making some rounds in schools:-) So, here is the final fabricated project - which left my hands with lots and lots of char.
