
invention, intellectual properties and income...

invention ..

THe final project consists of a software, Hardware and design that are mostly open source and free and available for anyone to download and reproduce them. My Fab Academy page has got htese files and one can download them for free. The fabrication is easy to be done at another Fab Lab somewhere in the world! Especially for the Hardware part, the disks can be made out of so many other materials, from 3d printing to yellow pages catalogues, or upcycling parts. The people who decide to use the designs should upload theirs as well as a photo of the final thing onto a blog that i need to make for this project. This can be a platform for discussion and hopefully will help when improving the project in the future.

intellectual properties ..

This project will be licenced under the MIT licence according to which the author will give no warranty of any kind but in return the people interested will have a free unrestricted access to the files, as well as the rights to copy and use parts or the whole project. The only restriction is that they will need to acknowledge the designer/ programmer etc since the author has added a copyright notice.

income ..

The idea of this project is to get people engaged with traditional customs and festive events. Therefore there will be no income in this but will have an educational character especially for the youth. In the same way, to fund this project, crowdfunding seems a good option as it will also give it advertisment too.