
Networking and Communications...

I found this assignment really difficult. After the class I felt that I didn't know what exactly I was suppose to do. One though was to recreate what Neil had in the Fab Acacedmy web page. Finally I decided to build a fabduino (the version designed in fablab Barcelona) board and build a wired network between the board and other Arduino boards. The Eagle file schematic and board can be downloaded from the previous links.

It was pretty hard to solder and stuff the board (especially the headers).

The video shows an LED blinking directly connected to my board

I decided to use the I2C protocol. The following code is used to exchange information between three boards. With the help of the tutorials that come withe the Arduino IDE I managed to send different messages from one board (bridge) to two others (nodes).

The bridge sending the messages on two boards

The first node (device 5) receiving his message.

The second node (device 4)receiving his message

The following video shows the communication. In order to print the message on the screen of the computer I had to manually change the serial port.