
electronic design...

For this assignment we had to understand and redraw the echo hello world board and add at least a n LED and a button and fabricate it.

The design of the board was made in Eagle and the Fab Academy component libraries. I haven't found an easier way around the component positions other than spanding a lot of time to make sure the wires wouldn't cross. The autorouting option did not help that much. I managed ot do this eventually after many attempts. The CAD files: schematic, board.

For the fabrication of the board I generated the 2 png black and white files, one for the traces , one for the cut outs. Uploading the two png files in roland Modela and doing all the settings needed [selection of tool, offset, make path etc] I managed to have my board cut.

The first part of the board -traces.png- is send out to be cut using the 1/64 tool

The second part of the board -cutout.png- is send out to be cut using the 1/32 tool

The edges are not perfect because the board did not stick perfectly onto the sacrificial board but htis doesn't create any problems as it hasn't affected the circuit.

I started becoming better in soldering and quicker - Lets hope this will continue for the rest of the assignments involving electronics!

I have tried to use both Bungard and Modela milling machines to mill the boards (the Bungard cam accepts only Gerber files). The final Bungard milled (not used) board can seen in the image below.