Electronics Production Assignment
Week of February 17, 2014:
The goal for the week is begin the process of creating a FabISP, to mill a board and stuff it.
1. Unhappily, there were problems for days deciphering how to get the computer to talk to the Modela. Multiple conversations between Jonathan and James and Shawn resulted in success through Super User. Much of our knowledge growth curve is developing through trial and error and more trial and more error, which ok too.
2. An initial board was only superficially incised. The bit needed to be bumped down further. Another board had the traces etched and was ready to be cut out. The bits were changed, the interior png switched to, the z axis changed, and the directions sent. Oops. The Modela continued to create traces because one needs to hit "make RML" before you "send." We also need to experiment with cancelling out a program that is running.
3. Having used up a row of material, a new x and y axis were set and another board attempted. This time, the milling was too close to the edge of the material. I tweaked the x and y and broke the bit when setting the z axis.
4. I changed the bit, changed the x and y settings, set the z axis and nothing wrong happened. Then I changed the bit again from the 64th to the 32nd, selected and loaded the interior.png, hit make RML and sent it. Success and much knowledge gained. This is my milled board fresh from the Modela:
5. Happily, I had learned how to solder two weeks before when I attended the Fab Lab Arduino workshop. The task for the weekend is to stuff the board and continue to learn.
6. But of course, I am a novice. Soldering the mini USB is indeed where one will break the board. As long as it was broken, I used the board to practice a few more contacts.

7. My former student Mason is now fourteen years old and can be seen soldering next to me in the photo above. His board is functional. We have become partners and officially traded roles as teacher and student. As an educator, that is actually a very positive accomplishment. I hope to have my own board milled and stuffed by me by the end of March.

Mason's FabISP
8. My newest circuit board milled Sunday, March 23 with two components soldered. Onward!

9. April 23 - my board milled and stuffed.

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