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08. Embedded Programming

This weeks task was to read and understand the datasheet for the ATTiny44 microcontroller on our 'Hello World' boards that we made the other week and then to program the board to do something interesting using as many languages and programming anvironments as possible.  My background covers a lot of embedded programming and I've used ARM and PIC microcontrollers before for lots of comercial projects.  So, rather than try to use as many languages as possible I decided to change my task slightly and improve my understanding of what is to me a new microcontroller family by trying to flex as many of the features of the ATTiny as possible.

08.01 Board Definition

Before starting I needed to know the definition / IO pin usage of what was actually on my 'Hello World' board as follows:

08.02 Software Tool Chain

I chose to use 'Crosspack AVR' on the Mac as my gcc tool chain.  I aslo already have XCode installed and as Crosspack creates blank XCode project templates I decided to use XCode as my developement IDE.
To create a new project in your developement folder type: avr-project projectname from a terminal window.  This will create a blank project template with a main.c and a makefile. 
Next you will need to edit the makefile to set the DEVICE, CLOCK, FUSES and PROGRAMMER correctly as follows:

DEVICE     = attiny44
CLOCK      = 20000000
PROGRAMMER = -c usbtiny
OBJECTS    = main.o
FUSES      = -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m -U lfuse:w:0xff:m -U efuse:w:0xff:m

Then just fill main.c with code, glorious, code...
I may revert to Textmate or Eclipse as an IDE as I'm not completely happy with some of XCode's features.

08.03 Initial Blink Test

I actually performed this test the other week after building the board as I wanted to know that it worked.  The code (here) blinks the LED until the switch is pressed, at which point it keeps the LED on.  The code's not pretty but it was a quick and dirty test to show that:

The one thing that it didn't test was the serial port.

08.04 Basic Serial Port Test

So the next thing I wanted to check was that the serial port worked OK.  For this I simply used the code that Neil linked from this weeks class page (non-irq and irq based).  Initially this didn't work, I could send characters but not receive them.  I tested another students Hello World board and that was OK.  On inspection of my board I discovered that the 'Tx' pin on the ATTiny wasn't quite soldered down correctly.  A quick re-heat with the soldering iron and my board worked OK.

On inspection of Neils IRQ based serial code I wasn't happy with it as it's not truly IRQ based.  It uses an IRQ to detect he start of an received character, but then the actual reception and transmission processes are blocking.  Serial data tx/rx (even at 115200 baud) is a slow process in terms of the number of CPU instructions that could be run whilst a single character is being sent on the serial line.  So this blocking actually stalls the CPU for a significant time.  This is OK for a simple test, but not very practical if any 'real time' work needs to be done.

08.05 Test Signature Bytes and EEPROM

Now that I had working serial communications I extended theh test silghtly in two ways.  Firstly to read the device signature bytes so that I could see that the device actually reported itself as an ATTiny44a.
Then secondly, to read and write the EEPROM on the device.  I did a simple test that performed the following actions each time the device booted up:
  1. Read address 0 from EEPROM and print it out via serial port.
  2. Increment value by 1 and write back to EEPROM address 0.
This gave me a very simple incrementing 'boot count' telling me how many times the device had been powered on.  For a real commercial product a there are two issues with this:
  1. The EEPROM value is never initialised, I start counting from what ever value is in the EEPROM at the end of the manufacturing process.  Appears to be 0xFF.
  2. There is no corruption check.  A CRC or checksum needs to be added.  This would also allow for initialisation of a new device as it would fail the CRC.
Code for the above tests is here.

08.06 Improved Serial Code

I decided that I'd like to have a proper IRQ base impementation of a software UART.  I thought that someone will already have implemented it, and when I looked around I found this application note from Atmel that describes exactly what I want, AVR304: Half Duplex Interrupt Driven Software UART AVR304 Half Duplex Interrupt Driven Software UART.  However once I downloaded the code and inspected it the existing examples only support the ATMega range of microcontrollers.  The code is also written for Atmel Studio which has slightly different sets of compiler directives for things specific to the Atmel processors.  So I decided to port the code over the the ATTiny44 and the gcc toolchain.
  1. Read the application note and it's associated code to understand what's going on.
  2. Read the ATMega48 and the ATTiny44 data sheets in tandem to understand any differences in the parts of the microcontroller that are used.
  3. Read the AVR-LibC and Crosspack User Manuals to understand the differences in the compiler directives.
The code in AVR304 requires one 8bit timer (Timer0) and one external interrupt (INT0).  These resources exist on the ATTiny44, however our serial port is wired to the wrong pins on the chip!  We need the serial data in (Tx) to be connected to the INT0 pin in order to be able to use it's edge detect based IRQ functionality correctly, the level change IRQ functionality of the PCINTx pins isn't good enough as we can't specify IRQ's based on only rising or falling edges.  It could be fudged together by checking the pin state after the IRQ is generated, but as the correct pins are actually available I decided to re-work my Hello World board slightly.  I decided to modify the board definition as follows:
  1. I've disconnected the LED from PB2 by cutting the track. 
  2. I've re-connected the LED to PA3 with a wire llink. 
  3. Then I've connected PA0 to PB2 to route the Tx signal to both pins, PA0 isn't needed any longer but it was easier to leave it connected.
Re-wroked board
I used the legs of old through hole resistors for the re-work.  After this re-work I re-tested both my old serial code (with changes for new pins) and re-tested the Blink test code.  Both worked OK.

I've ported most of the serial code and in essence it works OK.  Some tweeks are needed based on the actual processor resources available.  Code is here.

08.0X Game

I'd like to push things to see if I can actually write a game using just one button and one LED.  I think that either of the following should be possible:
For both of the above the serial port can be used to print out high scores stored in EEPROM.  A simple menu system could also be implemented on the serial port allowing the user to select which game they want to play.


Re draw Eagle schematic to reflect re-works on board.