Week 17. Invention, intellectual property, and income
Last lesson of FabAcademy 2014 was about Invention, intellectual property and income, and the last assignment before finishing out final project is to develop a plan of dissemination of my final project.
Since this semester, I have commented the idea of the final project with some friends and colleagues, and all of them (of course the one who liked football) think it is a good idea and a lot of people will buy it if it is in the market. Anyway, the objective with this project it is not that, and even if I want to, there are a lot of things to improve before.
Intellectual property
I am not an expert in the topic and I do not have very clear what I want to do with the intellectual property of my project, so I will use Creative Commons Licenses, which allow you to customize it through several easy to answer questions: I will allow adaptations of my work, but not commercial use of it. With it, I got Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
After it, I got this "nice" logo I will include on my project webpage:
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
As I said before, some friends told me that if I commercialize the idea some people will be interested on it. Include it on KickStarter or similar site could be a possibility, but then you need to have a plan to commercialize it at big scale. That's why at this step I am not considering to commercialize it.
Anyway, renting this prototype to some local football teams will be useful to have some incomes and at the same time to get feedback about possible points of improvement.
Renting the goal to some local football teams could not only give some incomes, but at the same time it could be useful to disseminate the project. I am sure that the best way to make publicity of something is when you heard from someone you now telling good things about that.
Another possibilities are to contact with schools to make some demos of the system and to create a nice webpage with videos of the system.