@ Class 12 – Output Devices

Assignment: Add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed and program it to do something.

I chose a Liquid Crustal Display to be used as Output Device. For now (as of May 03, 2014), let me publish the result and development files, and I will update this page later.

The LCD as an output device to a board based on ATTIny44.
System as a whole.

Following are the development files.
Source Code About the Code -
- This code has been written in C.
- Code Works IDE has been utilised to develop this project.
- An open sourced LCD interface code by Peter Fleury has been utilised in this project.
PCB Files About the Board -
- Board has been designed in Eagle 6.4.0
- The PNG files were editted in kolorpaint on Ubunty 13.04..

...12.html in Making (as of May 4, 2014)....
