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Bowstand with automatic bow placements' counter

/!\ WARNING: Article is not finished yet.

The project was inspired by endless archery training sessions. While preparing for another competition a sportsman usually performs enormous number of placements of his bow on a bowstand. For better progress tracking it is usually needed to collect statistics. One of such statistical points is the number of arrows being shot at a training session. This project simplifies lives of archery sportsmen by automating one of the routines during each training session freeing more energy for training itself.

images/projects/bow_handle/photo01_web.jpg images/projects/bow_handle/photo02_web.jpg images/projects/bow_handle/photo03_web.jpg images/projects/bow_handle/photo04_web.jpg

Those pictures show the progress of the project.

images/projects/bow_handle/photo05_web.jpg images/projects/bow_handle/photo06_web.jpg images/projects/bow_handle/photo07_web.jpg images/projects/bow_handle/photo08_web.jpg

Those pictures show the progress of the project.

images/projects/bow_handle/photo09_web.jpg images/projects/bow_handle/photo10_web.jpg images/projects/bow_handle/photo11_web.jpg images/projects/bow_handle/photo12_web.jpg

And some videos:

Inspiring links and similar projects

Connected documentation pages