Fab Academy

Miguel Lourenco



Embedded Programming


Programming the Hello circuit assembled in Electronics Design Assignment.

Added a button (input) and LED (output) to original circuit (Hello).

I used Arduino Uno to program the Hello circuit (ATtiny44).

So, the first thing to do is transform arduino on ISP programmer.

In Arduino 1.0.3

- Set the Serial Port;

- Tools - Board File - Arduino "model";

- Examples - ArduinoISP, and than Upload it.


Programming the ATtiny44

With Arduino as ISP programmer ( or another ISP programmer like FabISP):

From Tools, select Board - ATtiny 20 MHz and proceed with Burn Bootloader to set the Fuses (external clock).

File - Exemples - Digital - Button, and setting pin numbers for input and output for ATtiny44.

Button (input) - Pin 3 (ATtiny44)

Led (outuput) - Pin 7 (ATtiny44)

Button off (value 0) - Led on (value 1)




Hello circuit with ressonator (20MHz)




Programming Arduino as ISP programmer


Programming ATtiny44 with Arduino Uno as ISP programmer


Programming ATtiny44 with Button example from Arduino 1.0.3 and changing pin numbers (ATtiny44)









Programming ATtiny44 with Button example from Arduino 1.0.3 changing relation of input/output


Programming ATtiny44, added an external LED and alternate the lighting between two LEDs.











Changing program to lighting LED when Button is pressed

Changing program, adding one more LED (external) to lighting alternately with circuit LED when Button is pressed.