Juan Carlos Pérez Juidias. Fab Lab Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla
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Composites / 03.04.2013

I Many molds ererywhere Each member of my group has thought to do something different and using different techniques. JoséBuzón made his mold in MDF wood mill. Jose Perez de Lama made his mold in MDF laser cutter. I decided I wanted to use plaster and gypsum. So, first I used the vacuum machine to convert a Hulk mask in a plastic mold and I did another piece with that mold. The result is good but I forgot that the practice was a digital model. What a shame. I put it aside Hulk mask and I searched for a good model for the weekly practice. Then I helped my wife to make a 3D model of a bridge for MIATD Masters practice at the University of Seville. He is the Spencer Dock Bridge in Dublin. She also needs a model to present to your teacher and I helped her to do so. The 3D model is made of rhinoceros, and the model is ready for milling in Cut3D is milled in polyurethane foam. So I've tried it with plaster and got a mold good for applying the resin. Our colleague in the School of Architecture, Aureliano Gomez, has restored a vacuum blower we have adapted to the workshop. A great job. Jose Perez de Lama and Juan Carlos Venegas visited an aeronautics laboratory and they got very valuable material for our practice (perforated plastic Teflon, polyester blanket, plastic wrap and tape). I already had everything I needed: model, molds, materials and machines. Work I prepared as follows: I placed the materials according to the following scheme. I had trouble choosing fiberglass as reinforcement to the epoxy, I have to experience more about it. To get my mask I have used Lycra with epoxy to see the final result. But the epoxy resin has failed in the Lycra fabric that don't fits the mold. My fiberglass model, when I am uploading website, still needs time to dry. This practice has been very interesting because I could use other materials such as plaster, very common and inexpensive and can give a great result in the Fab Lab with the machine empty or epoxy. You have to respect the times of epoxy resin cure, and we have to make the correct fiber pattern. ************************************************************************************************************ Software: Inkscape; Corel Draw [laser management], Rhinoceros, CUT3D Hardware: Milling machine; vacuum former; vacuum pump Materials: Styrofoam, epoxy resin, fiberglass, teflon film, teflon peel ply film, polystyrene breather blanket, mastic tape [see table above for further details]. Epoxy and plaster bought at a local supplier, Sumbeart. The teflon films and mastic tape were donated by a local lab. Margarine as a release agent.