The first day of course was marked by novelty, of the instalations, of the people and the work we would have to execute through our course.
In this session, I started building my personal website, using Mercurial on Windows. To design the website, I used Dreamweaver, it was the first time I used this software, however, after a long and intensive study of the software, I was able to perfect, what I had original presented.
For my final project, I intend to create a cellaret, that is a place that allows the storage of wines, not only the proper way, but also the proper temperature, out of the incidence of direct light, allowing the wine to evolve and be conserved properly.
To do that, the cellaret will haveinterchangeableshelves, allowingaccommodate differentbottles, using internal illumination that shuts off automatically, verticalhandlefor easyopening,withplaceholders for:
a mini library of books dedicated to the wines;
temporary storage of bottles;
a computer;
a barcode reader.
The management of the wines will be handled by a software that:
allowthe userto knowat any time, thenumber of bottlesyou have,according tothe type of wine,your region, yearandcastes;
By insertingwinesand record thecorrespondingbarcode, will allowforfuture purchasesonly passthroughthe bottlebarcodereader, to take thequantity;
Informingthe locationaddtionalstorageof the bottle.