This week was interface and application programming. But before I could start with that, I needed to finish the input week.

I had some troubles with programming the boards and then letting them run. After going over a few boards we found one that worked on my laptop. Frosti helped me when I got stuck and in the end we made it work. So then I could finally start working on the homework from this week.

One of the errors that I got all the time was about the serial port. I've noticed that sometimes you need to put the speed (9600) behind it. But in my case, you never had to do that because that's one of the reasons why the file didn't want to run.

Since I didn't want to change anything randomly, I deceided to teach myself python first, at least the basics, and then see what I could do with that while changing the homework.

I didn't change a lot about the original program, but I've managed to change coulors, the seize (from 600 to 1000)...

For example, I've changed the seize form 600 to 1000. This was an easyy one to find since it's totaly at the top of the file and it kind of explains itself.

Changing the colour of the box was still easy since you only had to type in a coulour. Red, blue, green. You didn't use the #000000 like we use in HTML or in other parts of the file.

reseize colour

I didn't manage to write my own program yet since I don't know a lot yet about programming. But I'm really looking forward to the day that I can start writing my own programs.

I've tried to learn python throug this website: Learn code the hard way

I've basicly learned to run the program and write one. It starts with easy excersises on printing. After that you learn how to make a calculater, all by yourself, writen in python. A little bit further in the excersices you learn how to make lists or you see the different ways of putting text togehter, or just not.