Project Sessions

WEEK 14 (24 April 2013)
[Networking and Communications]

This week’s assignment was to Build a wired &/or wireless network with at least two nodes

For this assignment , I made the hello.serial.bus with 1 bridge and 2 nodes.

STEP 1: Cheking the boards and components


STEP 2: Milling and soldering


STEP 3: Programming the boards

Once made the boards we need to programm them wih the Fab ISP in the similar way we worked in input device.

First I edited the original hello.bus.45.c file and changed delay time to 500 ms instead 100 ms. I made the node id 0 and flashed the bridge board. I then change the id to 1 and flashed the first node board. Changed it again to 2 and flashed the second node. With the programming done I went to the Arduino IDE and opened the serial monitor. I then typed "0 enter" . All the nodes flashed and then the bridge board flashed again. When I entered a 1 or a 2 all nodes would flash the the corresponding node flashed again.


To be Continued..

