Classes >>Networking and communications
Assignment: Build a wired &/or wireless network with at least two nodes
For this task I created a bus to network information using one bridge with two nodes
The programing was made from UBUNTU enviroment and running the networking from Windows.
STEP 1: Cheking the boards and components First I check the boards to be connecting in network and the components from: |
STEP 2: Milling and soldering I milled and built one bridge and two node boards that were downloaded from our academy 2012 class web page |
STEP 3: Programming the boards Once made the boards we need to programm them wih the Fab ISP in the similar way we worked in input device task: I used the c program and make file to ATTINY 45s
On the terminal: sudo make -f hello.bus.45.make program-usbtiny Then must appear hex file, and sudo avrdude -p t45 -P usb -c usbtiny -U flash:w:hello.bus.45.c.hex, for flashing the microcontroller We must make the same procedure for the node boards taking care to change the node numbers in the C file where the bridge will have the number zero (0) and the nodes will have the numbers (1) and (2) for each one .I followed the tutorial from Anna Kasiunas |
STEP 4: Networking from windows After programming the boards we are ready to run the python file "term" Then in the terminal we write: python COM15 9600 as you can see in the video.