Modifying 'hello.bus.45.c'
For bridge and 2 node boards, the line - #define node_id '0' - needs to be changed. File was saved. Bridge board was connected to computer with FTDI header and flashed with my FabISP as node '0'. Typed 'sudo make -f hello.bus.45.make program-usbtiny' into the terminal. Next, I used the defined bridge board to power the node boards and connected them to TX and RX. Plugged/connected boards (see below), and flashed node board as node '1'. Typed 'sudo make -f hello.bus.45.make program-usbtiny' into the termainal again. Repeated this process for node '2'.
Using the Serial Monitor in Arduino to Talk to My Network Bridge board would not light up - tried resoldering, etc. Nodes worked fine though. Entering '1' and sending in the serial monitor made the both nodes light up then node 1 again. Same thing when I entered '2'. Though the bridge board wouldn't light up, I successfully communicated with the nodes through it.