Machine Design

We continue with the construction of the machine, for this we turn to the electronics, can be found at:
There are small problems, as shown in the scheme proposes the construction of a stepper driver,for each of the axes, but this has not been possible by the absence of components locally
Then it was proposed as an alternative to create a plate where they were 3 axes, however, the components    was again the main problem. Here are the files:

Del Stepper: Traces, outline
GRBL: Schematic, png for milling

My partner Roberto,suggested the possibility of an H BRIDGE, because components for construction if exist in our country.

En la construcción hubo problemas, aquí están los archivos de construcción


There is an observation, I was testing the samples given in Arduino 1, still unsuccessfully to work with the H-bridge,      but when the connection is direct without functioning engines I have tested with the following examples::
This is a photo taken of the connection to the H bridge, taken from Robert

you can see the following video