This weeks assignment was to add a button and an LED to the Hello Echo board. Mill the board, stuff it and program it. I was working on a machine in the lab so I didn't need to download the software or the libraries. I opened the Hello Echo schematic in Eagle. Following the Fab Academy tutorial I added the 2 10k resistors from the ng library, the LED from the FAB_Hello library, the button from the fab library, added the grounds and the VCC. Next I added wires, or nets as they call them in Eagle, to connect the LED to the pull up resistor and ground. I also connected the button to ground, the resistor and VCC. I named the LED net "LED" and the button net "BUTTON". Then I named pin 6 on the microcontroller "LED" and pin 10 "BUTTON". This makes the physical connection between the microcontroller and the component of the same name without drawring a connection in the diagram. After making all the connections I ran the Electrical Rules Check and everything was A-OK.
The next step was to route the traces in the board view. I switched to the board view and started placing the new components onto the board. I used the diagram from the tutorial as a guide and everything went pretty smoothly. I had a few funky looking traces that I had to clean up but no big deal.
The next step was prepping the board to mill. I exported the traces as a monochrome 500 DPI png file. Then I opened the exported file in The Gimp and added a 20 px white border around the image. I flattened the image and saved it as helloechotraces.png. Then I saved it as helloechointerior.png and edited out all the traces to create the file to cut out the board. With my board files finished I mounted a board to the mill and ran my helloechotraces.png file.