natalie haddad
fab academy 2012

project management

using the tutorials listed int the class archive page i was able to setup mercurial on Ubtuntu and download the class folder. While doing so i set up a folder fr my personal work. I found this tutorial very helpful when setting it up.

After downloading the keys and saving them into a created folder called "keys" i then copied the keys into the .ssh directory. Once both files were copied over i edited the config file in ~/.ssh to change the permissions on the public key file. Then I cloned the repository and edited the config file with my info. Finally leading to creating my own directory and class page. The order for updating my files and downloading the latest files in the repository:

hg pull
hg update
hg add .
hg commit -m "message"
hg push

This tutrorial was helpful for fixing diverged branches when errors occured in the repository

hg pull
hg update
hg merge
hg add .
hg commit -m "message"
hg push

This site was designed by using tutorials by W3 schools as well as other helpful html pages i found on google. For the most part it was edited in text editor on Ubuntu. There were a few things that i edited in Adobe Dreamweaver, which made it easier to manage the size of images on the page.