electronics design disseny electronic

redraw the echo hello-world board, add (at least) a button and LED (with current-limiting resistor), check the design rules, and make it.

the PCB
A small PCB driven by an AVR ATtiny44 with 1 button, 1 RGB LED, 1 simple LED.

the design
For the design of the board I used the program EAGLE
Layout Edition. Its a freware version that you can download from the EAGLE website.
I used the Fab library (Fab.lbr) and two comercial libraries from SparkFun (SparkFun.lbr) and AdaFruit (adafruit.lbr).
The board button is attached to PB2 , The RGB LED is attached to PA7, PA3, PA2. The simple LED is attached to PA5, also connected to the MISO pin.
I had done a double jumper to connect one of the resonators pin to the microcontrollerbecouse it was impossible to fit the traces better.


01. the HELLO.2012 board

02. traces.png

03. cut.png

04. the schematics in eagle

04. the board traces and components in eagle

05. the double jumper