Machine Design


In this assignment we seek ways to automate MTM Snap machine, following the tutorial of J.Ward and N. Peek.

First we milled the universal board called grbl-shield. This board containing the three stepper drivers that we need. However we had not all components, whereby Roberto redesign a new version of stepper board adapted for local components (H-Bridge)

Grbl - SHLD traces
Grbl - SHLD board
H-Bridge (adaptation by R.Delgado)
Steppers driver (H-Bridge)
Components 1
Components 2

When we finished to welding our board, we check the polarity of the power supply (230V) also made sure the conecctions with hot glue. In the case of the Arduino board, we identified the pins, and then make the respective connections (wiring diagram)


Final Comments: For this assignment I worked with Roberto and Alejandro, whom I have been learning of electronic and mechanical topics. We will continue working on the process, while reaching all components for the Shield board.