For this assignement, I made the bus : 1 bridge and 2 nodes. Each board was programed from Terminal via the Fabisp. We had to give each node a name (0, 1, 2) from the nano text editor.
Same process as usual excepting that this time we checked the bus with the arduino freeware and when I tested it from the arduino serial monitor, the LEDs were all blinking at the same time. The second blink from the selected node was never happening. Anna and I tried to change the settings in the program. We changed the frequency of the delay and the selected node was blinking longer. This wasn't a second blink but a longer blink. Right after trying this, we saw that the BAUD setting wasn't correct. We changed the value of the BAUD to 9600 which is actually the setting written in the progran lines. Since then, the bus was working perfectly. Every boards were blinking at the same time and the second blink was coming from the selected node. The fourth picture below was taken at the right time when the LEDs were blinking.