Work In Progress Drawers

The drawers were designed in 2D using Partworks V2"


The main material used was 12mm MDF as I knew this worked well with interference fit
The drawer bottoms and case back were made from 3mm Fibreboard


Corner joints were made using a square 'dovetail', the gaps being equal in size to the tabs.
The joints for the drawer fronts were 10mm deep pockets about 5% bigger than the tabs
All internal corners were given a 'dog bone' fillet to prevent internal radii
     Corner_Joints      Blind_joints

All parts were cut with an 8" upcut 2 flute spiral solid carbide tool at 15,000RPM and at 3.5 inches/second.
The spindle speed has been arrived at through experimentation and the feed speed was calculated from recommended chip load in the Onsrud catalogue
Cutting all parts took about 2 hrs

The final product was assembled in about 1/2 hr with a rubber mallet and no glue, nails or screws!
