Serial Echo With Button & LED - Design & Fab

This week's assignment was to layout the Hello Serial Echo board using Eagle and to add a button and an LED then to fabricate it using the Modela, then populate the board by soldering the components

Designing the schematic of the board in Eagle was realtively easy but finding the correct components in the libraries was a bit tricky. I added an LED with 1K current limiting resistor to PA3 and the button from PA7 to Gnd. I will use the internal pull-up resistor with this when programming the controller.
hello_serial_echo.sch (46K)

The difficult part was trying to route all of the traces although I did manage to achieve it without 0 Ohm resistors! This is the result:

eddie_serial_echo (1K)

Using Neil's tips and tricks for soldering, making and soldering the board this time was quite easy and quick

hello_serial_echo_button_LED (15K)